Friday, July 4, 2008

Family oddity

I should preface this post by shedding some light on the population issues here in Europe. In northern Europe, the government is actually paying women to have children. They are so worried about the population decline, that they are trying different ways to entice couples to start families. It hasn't taken hold here in southern Europe, lack of resources and all (less socialized government...) but the declining population is still an issue.

So, when I walk down the street with my 4, yes FOUR!!!, children, we often turn heads. It's a bit strange being such a spectacle. Ed sticks out the most, being the cute little bellisimo that he is. Add the towering red head of Colin and the difficulty they all have of being on the quiet side, well... let's just say, we are quickly becoming known to the community.

When me and my kids turn more heads than the "little person" (not pc to say midget these days) at the bus stop, you know we don't have a chance of blending here.

That's OK, we'll embrace it and make the most of it. I was actually stopped and got my hand shaken by a lovely gentelmen who noticed the kids.

A la familia!!!!

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