Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Italian time

Waiting waiting waiting... like leaves, like ashes. $20 to whomever gets that reference...
So, Le Gas came yesterday. My landlord arrived (on time!) with Le Gas and proceded to have yet another conversation in Italian with me. I think I may deceive people with my fantastic accent :). They actually think I'm fluent. In fact, the receptionist at the convent in Firenze said to me, "Are you American; American American? Not from anywhere else?" Since, I guess, I can fake being local with good pronunciation. I have a good ear. I wish I had a good memory, since that is what I need to learn this language...
Anyway Luisa came with Le Gas and he got it working... ONly to find out that the hot water heater doesn't actually work. So she promised that someone would come tomorrow at 10.00 AM. They arrived at 5:10 PM and told me (In Italian) that it would take 2 or 3 hours to install the heater and that they would come back domanni. And would I prefer the morning or afternoon. That part I got (with some sign language) So maybe tomorrow, we will have acqu calda after 7 days in the apartment.... Here is hoping and waiting...
Meanwhile, we have been bathing by heating up all the water we can on now the 4!!! burners we have working (thanks to Le Gas). Oy, what a production.
Time here has been spent doing laundry, cooking and cleaning. And watching Italian MTV.
Julia met some neighbor girls today and played with them for a few hours. They were very sweet with us and tried to speak English with us. They brought out their dictionaries and notebooks to help. Julia Ed and Aidan ended up playing hide and seek with them.
I sent Colin and Aidan out this morning to investigate the small shopping center at the bottom of the hill. They found this internet cafe HOORAY!!! Colin didn't get to come with me tonight because he forgot to put deoderant on this AM. Trust me. I needed to get the deoderant point accross and this was the most severe way I could think of. I hope he does not ever forget again. You cannot possibly imagine the difficulty of laundry here, and the lack of deoderant wearing teenagers compounds it...
So I will post just a bit. They are going to kick me out soon. It's almost closing time. Keep those emails coming people. They really help me feel connected.
Ciao Ciao,
Please pray for the hot water heater to work tomorrow. Pray that Mauroizio and Antonio know what they heck they are doing.

1 comment:

wiesels said...

Okay my first two thoughts were John Mayer or The young and the restless but that is an hourglass huh? So i am guessing Vladamir :) Can't find the damn english lit book right now so i will just guess.

What was my prize again?

It is scheduled to be another hotter than hades day in LA. Even with air condiditoning it pretty much sucks.

We are getting Micahel ready for Summer camp. He leaves on Saturday for 7 days. I really can't believe he still wants to go...but i guess he is finally "dancing".

I decided that is the theme for the summer. Darn graduation, sticks this song in my mind for months.

So, the latest at Highlands is that MIchelle Treu announced her retirment. Thursday is her last day. Lord knows who will replace her. Back to School should be interesting. Missing the first few days may not be such a bad thing. of course you realize Ed will nevr have a chance at the ominouse PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARD in 7 years. But heck, now he can freely ditch school whenever he wants.
By the way, I am testing my email...sent you one, hope you got it. I can at least communicate to you and then everyone can deliver back to me. I guess we can't talk about them then huh?

We miss you down here. All of you guys.

Talk soon!

Noli & the boys