Friday, August 15, 2008

Ed and the elevator

There is a fascination held by most children with regard to elevators. We’ve been in all types of elevators here on our trip: tiny, miniscule ones; rickety ones; lavish ones and even stinky ones. The main attraction with all elevators, it seems, is the button pushing. Elevators are magical devices that with a push of a few buttons, you are transported to a completely different place (never mind that they save your legs the extra work of multiple flights of stairs.) For this reason, Edwin loves to take the elevator in our apartment building. It’s a small elevator, big enough for only 4 (maybe 3) people. But the problem with our elevator is that the button to our floor (#3) is too high for him to reach. Which translates into someone having to pick him up to push the button… which he asks to do. Every. Time. Julia commented today “If only he were a centimeter taller, he could reach it.” A centimeter. Not an inch (like a normal American 8 ½ year old would probably say) but a centimeter. So he’s a centimeter off – and unlikely to achieve the necessary height before we leave. But I’m positive he’s hoping that he will grow enough by Saturday to be able to reach the button.

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