Friday, August 15, 2008

Unpacking the purse

I'm getting ready to pack. Well, sort of ready. I keep finding other things to do.
Like emptying out my purse - which does need to be done, doesn't it?
For anyone else interested (like that bridal shower game) here's what I have
accumulated over the last few weeks:

Outside pocket -
*Adult Biglietto d'ingresso (ticket) to the Rieti community pool - where we went yesterday to escape (or embrace) the heat. Swimwear update: Italians still love their speedos.
*ponytail holder - probably Julia's
*empty band-aid wrapper - most likely from Edwin.
*Claritin wrapper - for me and Colin
*pencil - stolen from the Vienna Marriott. They have pencils in the rooms. Not pens.
*list of West Ranch High School contacts and phone numbers looked up on the internet
for me to call and help arrange Colin's first day of school. Done this. Still have heard no word back from his counselor after 3 and 1/2 weeks of emails. Luckily, the other office staff is extremely friendly and helpful...
*keys to the apartment - but only the outside buliding door and one of the front door keys - which is one of the strangest looking keys I have ever had

Inside flap pocket -
*emery board from the Vienna Marriott
*5 used Paris Metro tickets

Interior zipper pockets -
*gum "Hollywood" brand sans sucres; probably bought at a French rest stop
*tic tacs: mint flavor
*Aidan's ipod - half charged, no earphones
*1 Euro coin
*part of a band aid wrapper
*lipstick - MaryKay "Suede"
*lip gloss from Target
*more Claritan wrappers
*receipt for our hotel stay at the All Seasons Republique in Paris

Main compartment -
*Keycard holder from the Vienna Marriott
*small map of Paris showing the location of our hotel: each child was given this business card
sized map and instructed to keep it on their persons in case they got seperated from us. Edwin and Julia - and maybe Colin - were the only ones who did it. Edwin thought it was cool to have something to put in his pocket (when he remembered to put his pants on the right way (and not backwards) so that he could actually reach his pockets)
*tour ticket to the Saltmine tour "Tour #33" which we were late for, and ended up on tour 35
*another receipt for the hotel stay in paris - from their computer, so it's a big piece of paper. There's no 8 1/2 by 11 paper here. That would be inches and they don't do the inch thing over here. So the paper is just a bit skinnier and longer. It's weird.
*notepad from the Vienna Marriott (yeah, we took lots of stuff from the room...) with a happy face drawn on it. Happy face was for the cute 4 1/2 year old little boy who sat next to our table the other night when Brian and I went to dinner without the kids at Tito's. Tito's has been around for 105 years. And of course, even in the small restaurant, the only child was put next to us. Uterus. is. a. kid. beacon...
*crinkled map of Rome from Avis
*receipt from the "Ipermercato" Leon from a grocery outing this week.
*receipt from Lungovelino Cafe (my internet place) for a cappuccino
*receipt from dinner on the drive back from Vienna to Rieti. Stopped for dinner in Italy, on the 12 hour drive home. Brian was VERY upset that we didn't jet over to Slovenia (a mere 1/2 hour away) so he could add another country to his list.
*3 kid tickets from the swimming pool yesterday: Ed was free
*my camera - which still works even though Brian dropped a dolop of whipped cream on it from one of the apfel strudels we had in Austria
*6 tickets to the Catacombs in Paris
*key card holder from the Villa Potenziani - where we stayed when we first got to Italy I have used it to hold the slip of paper with the calling card numbers and codes on it, in case I am near a payphone (not often) and want to call someone. I often want to call, but with the time difference, I don't often get the chance. I'm sure no one wants to hear from me at 2:00 am
*pocket sized city map of Vienna
*Purell hand sanitizer - not often used. Which is truly a miracle that we didn't have more illness among us for the amount of crud I'm sure we've all been handling...
*Ricola - bought at LAX on the return trip to Italy from my reunion
*my glasses - which I always seemed to forget when I needed them.
*the 6 euro pink! watch I bought in Paris - with a picture of the Eiffel tower on the face
*2 miniature salt shakers from the saltmine tour - the free gift at the end of tour
*hair clip
*another Paris metro ticket - we used all but 4 of the tickets we had purchased. We gave them to a homeless man at the entrance to the metro.
*lipstick - Marykay's "Gingerbread"
*lipgloss - that Julia hates to use because it has some mint flavor to it
*Always brand clean handiwipe
*3 tickets to the St. Stephen's bell tower in Vienna. Only Colin, Aidan and Julia went up.
*ziploc bag full of "medicine":
Band Aids -various sizes
Sleep Aids
Triple Antibiotic ointment
Hydrocortisone cream

So that's it. Not everything will go back in.
I need to find my wallet - a huge ommission to the purse.
And the passports.
And then I'll start to be ready to go.

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